什么是网络可观察性. 监控)? -可观察性用例


苏珊·乔治。 2022年7月18日

当你想到你的人际网络, chances are good you imagine 十大赌博正规老平台器s 和 routers, 开关, 和防火墙. 然而, what about its internal state? What bottlenecks are occurring 和 where? Where is dem和 from users growing 和 where is it fading? What resources are being stretched thin?

这些都是网络可观察性的要素——确保您能够识别障碍的关键考虑因素, maximize uptime 和 achieve mission-critical goals for the business.


网络可观察性是指实时轻松识别和回答有关网络的问题的能力, 和 then use that information to make informed decisions to manage 和 optimize network resources 和 assets.

The IT可观察性的重要性

为什么可观测性数据很重要? 最终,你的团队需要这样做 维护数据中心的正常运行时间 和 be able to identify or even predict points of failure. 随着今天可用的IT工具的广度,对停机时间感到惊讶是不可原谅的. Having observability metrics like CPU 和 memory usage, logs 和 trace data at your fingertips can help you 防止代价高昂的网络停机 or 减少MTTR 如果不可避免.

可观察性如何与IT弹性的其他关键元素相比较, 像监控, Visibility, 和遥感勘测? 在本节中,我们将探讨关于IT可观察性的最重要的事情.

网络可观察性vs. 监控

正如前面提到的, 网络可观察性是基于对网络及其相关资产的Visibility来回答有关网络内部状态的问题的能力. 相比之下,监控是密切关注网络活动和资产状况的实践. 这可以通过网络监控工具、方法和协议来实现,包括 SNMP轮询和陷阱, SFlow 和 J0Flow, network logging, 和 alerting. 监控通常是自动化的, 尽管对监测中出现的数据采取行动经常需要人工干预. It’s also usually focused on device health, rather than on network health from an end-user perspective.


Park Place Technologies最近在GigaOm网络可观测性雷达报告中被评为Entuity软件™的“快速推动者”和“领导者”. Download the report to see the top observability tools 在今天的市场上!

网络可观察性vs. Visibility

可观察性和Visibility看起来很相似,但事实是它们差别很大. 而网络可观察性是回答有关网络条件和性能问题的能力, network Visibility is the result of monitoring. It’s the data surfaced by using the tools 和 protocols we mentioned above. While this does imply underst和ing things that are happening in the network, it is not as comprehensive as observability. It is also still focused primarily on individual network assets, 而不是更大的图景, 和 it does not take an end-user perspective.

网络可观察性vs. 遥测

遥测 is a tool or protocol used to collect data from different systems. 实际上,您可以将遥测定义为一种行为——从远程系统收集数据的行为. 然而, 要有效率, the information collected must be st和ardized 和 transformed for human use. 像这样, telemetry is part of the network observability process, but it’s also part of the conventional monitoring process.


网络可观察性建立在三个独立的支柱上——事件日志、度量和跟踪. 然而, it should be noted that simply enabling logs, metrics 和 traces will not make a system more observable. 您的IT团队必须使用您的可观察性基础设施来解锁创建更强大的必要信息, more resilient systems in the long run.
Using these three metrics, developers can create a more observable network.


首先,他们必须关注最终用户体验,而不是网络资产的功能或状况. The end-user experience should be the defining metric of network functionality. 毕竟, 如果你不能提供最优的用户体验,那么哪些资产在峰值容量下工作,哪些不是就无关紧要了. That will simply lead users to defect to other systems, resulting in damaged user/customer satisfaction, 和 even damage to the organization’s market share.


除了关注终端用户体验外,组织还必须为NetOps使用遥测技术. 与网络监控最相关的遥测类型包括设备遥测, 合成数据, 数据配置.


Finally, it’s crucial that organizations can ensure service assurance. 通过使用适当的遥测方法建立可观测平台或系统, it becomes possible to cleanse data 和 then model it effectively. This guarantees high-quality data for the observability platform, 然后生成更多相关的信息,使团队随时了解网络的状况.

Common Network Observability Challenges

Network observability is not always easy to achieve. 有几个常见的挑战会影响分布式系统可观察性的成功. 我们将在下面探讨其中的三个.

环境复杂性—— IT环境越复杂,实现对系统的可观察性就越困难. This is particularly true in today’s incredibly complex, 在不断变化的云和混合云环境中,可以随时扩展或添加和减少资源.

对于经常需要将新网络集成到现有环境中的收购公司来说,这种复杂性被放大了. 幸运的是, 网络发现软件网络自动化技术 have reduced the friction of these processes.

Misrepresentative Pre-Production Environments – While great advances have been made in testing during the development process, 在系统处于预生产阶段时,仍然不可能准确地预测人类用户对系统的影响. 系统或应用程序的可观察性通常必须等到代码发布之后.

network observability metrics frustrating female network engineer

数据孤岛 数据孤岛在所有组织中都是有问题的,尽管它们曾经被认为是不可避免的. They came about because of data ownership by individual departments, 但是今天, information must be free to move across an entire organization. 数据被锁在竖井里, 理解整个环境中的相互依赖关系变得不可能. This is particularly true while moving to the cloud, which can involve multiple clouds 和 digital channels.

Top 3网络可观察性用例

How does network observability impact real-world network usage? 下面,我们将讨论三个最重要的可观察性用例.

1. 根本原因分析和调试

由于网络的分布式特性,调试非常具有挑战性. 快速三角测量和识别问题根本原因的能力受到阻碍. With observability tools, this is a thing of the past. 开发人员, 系统工程师, 技术人员可以根据准确的网络诊断回答关键问题,确定问题的根本原因,确保准确调试.

2. 告知网络架构

System design is always a huge concern. The right network architecture is essential for a wide range of considerations, 从可操作性和可靠性到确保整个组织的通信. 通过网络可观测性, 它可以回答诸如OSPF设计是否正确工作之类的问题. 它还可以准确地预测网络收敛性,并预测随着更多设备加入网络,收敛性将如何变化.

3. 这报告

报告是一个重要的考虑因素,但生成信息可能具有挑战性. 它需要提出正确的问题,然后能够获取相关信息. 例如, by asking what has changed in the network in the preceding 24 hours, 可以创建每日报告,通知团队成员,并允许他们制定准确的, shared underst和ing of the network’s condition.

Simplify Your Network Management with the Right Partner

Whether you’re seeking tools to further empower your IT team, or you’re interested in a h和s-off managed approach, Park Place Technologies can provide comprehensive network support.

Entuity,我们 leading enterprise network monitoring software, can help your team quickly discover devices, 可视化您的网络拓扑, 轻松过滤和管理事件, 并分析系统流程. Entuity is observability made easy, 和 can help your team proactively identify 和 remediate network issues.

For a more automated approach to network management, opt for managed IT infrastructure services like ParkView Managed 十大赌博正规老平台™. ParkView can act as a force multiplier for your team, 提供跨多个层的集成管理,以简化存储, 十大赌博正规老平台器, 以及网络环境. 我们还补充了 网络硬件维护 to ensure your devices don’t create bottlenecks.

立即联系Park Place Technologies,以便我们更好地了解和解决您组织的独特需求!


Susan is a Senior Product Manager for Entuity软件, 业界领先的网络性能监控软件. Susan负责定义和推动Entuity中可用的功能, as well as driving the global product Roadmap.